Affinity Map Sketch:
Now on my second assignment, I was really excited to begin a new prompt and to let my mind function in a different way. After a long time of deliberation, I decided to go with an affinity map, as I believe I would have the most fun creating it. I had a hard time figuring out what topic I wanted to discuss never mind the control on my axis would be. I contemplated certain activities and other various things but finally ended up focusing my map on beverages. I thought that I could find a lot of units to add to my map and I immediately thought of what my variables would be. I chose the two extremes of youth and elderly plus the extremes of healthy and unhealthy. I was excited to start because a bunch of different ideas were just flowing through my head. The idea was simple and I like it as I got to understand how and affinity map worked. I encountered a problem with how general I wanted to get with my beverages. I did not know if I wanted specific names of beverages or just general names. I sat there distraught wondering what direction I wanted to go. Upon this contemplation I had an “AHA!” moment and thought that I would just find drinks that would correspond to age then it would fall into categories of unhealthy or healthy. This made this much easier to figure out and I was then able to finish my map. I achieved my goal of understanding an affinity map.
This assignment was to help me better learn how an affinity map works and I believe I have achieved this goal. I knew that if I chose something different that I choose something different I would not benefit from the assignment as much. I knew that going into this course I wanted to learn more of the informational process. I learned all of the basic aspects of an affinity map and would consider the assignment a big success.